I don't know... but I don't have much things to blog this past few weeks...it's either my life is boring, or i'm simply nice enough to not blog about school since it'll just put you readers off~
on a random note, i like using "~". Anyone who chats online with me should be familiar with hey~ even hey hey~ . If you're confused to as how it sounds, go watch some hard gay (to the uneducated, hard gay isn't some nerdy lonely old man fetish) clips on youtube- thats how I hope it "sounds" otherwise~ if I use "~" on words other than "hey" it would indicate that the word will sound as if like some cheeky, zao-siar zi-goh-peh...right~ xD
Btw, this font is different from usual, i think.
Besides from that. Shippuuden 56 is out...catch it here.
Orh! I just realised why my font was "wierd"! I was typing in the edit html page =.=
heh heh...
So ion-man is coming out soon...going to watch with secondary school buddies (sorry they book me le) I can imagine the unshaved guy saying, "with great power comes great voltage"...or or or, "circuitry, my dear watt-son" (hope you guys are dying, corniness overload!) then then then, "well, it's not the man in your life that counts, its the iron in your man".......hohoho
okok, I made a new find in cheers at school-nerds coated jelly beans!!! haha...sorry i'm a little kiddy la...but still, just bought it to try out mah, then like $5.20 a pack lol. It's an interesting taste, my net people loved it. I think my tongue hurts...too much sugar le.
The good thing is that its fat-free...unfortunately it does not include sugarfree-ness so still get fat.
Speaking of fat...i'm getting fat...okay, chubby, I know some girls that would kill me upon hearing declare myself fat >.< ...I mean...I dunno la....zzz I very lazy exercise...exercising is fun...but very troublesome *sighs*
aiyah aiyah. I go chill a little and GO DO WORK LATER. hah! see, end up stress you all again. you guys got taken in la. you think i give you all a peaceful read meh....*rolls eyes*
Alright, nothing out of the ordinary happened this last week except getting to make new friends. Shippuuden 55 came out yesterday, click here to watch it. A little boring since i read the manga but still interesting enough (O.o contradictions)
Anyways, the new closing theme is also good, but I can't find any videos or stuff of it....BUT, BUT! I found this seriously hilarious clip of a spoof made from a naruto fan, the first minute is a little boring but the rest of the video makes you LOL your head of, even if you do not watch naruto, it's worth taking a look at the vid, it's liek omgawd amusing...(either that or I'm easily amused)
Anyways I got this pic on the first day of school, was the sticker on the lift of a shared building :D...speaks for itself doesn't it.
Like I said, this week is mas o menos (spanish for so-so, I took up spanish for IS and the first lesson bored me already...4 hrs summore) I don't have anything interesting for you guys...the pic above is of my medication....yes, >.< antibiotics for my face...went to National Skin Centre mah, thanks to Mark for accompanying me...Lol at me lor.... everyday 2 tablets 2 times daily before meals and stuff....but good thing got referral letter and stuff, my bill wasn't that high...the doctor made me take of my shirt =.= . . .random lol...
TP starts school next week...I'm cool with school, for now, gotta study later, books are heavy. that's all.
Alright peeps. I guess you know by now I tend to make my blogging a weekly thing unless circumstances forbid. So well let's see, I'll write (type) this post in order of the week that it occurred. Helps me to remember better.
Alright, Sunday...Shippuuden 53/54 came out (0^.^0) alright!!! and the new opening, "Bluebird" by ikimono gakari is fantastic. lol. The closing theme okok la. I dunno if I embedded the code properly but here's the link if you happen to be interested. (Bluebird)
So anyways, if i'm not wrong, this appeared in the Sunday Times, like O.o Lol, thats why I make blogging a weekly thing...dun stress me out guys. I know you all want more of me xD
So I watched Supersized Me yesterday...it was pretty boring, and not at all bothersome, I went for BK Sunday morning before church. Took this pic out of humor. I need to humor myself see...
I went to ikea with my dad to get some furniture for my sister =.= . and he treated me to the renowned ikea foodcourt dish thingy (I dunno how to phrase). Apparently, their danish meatballs and fried chicken is something... neh, meatballs above [^] their fried chicken leh...well for $2.80 a piece...hmmm. The food was okay la...
You know those world war II dramas at 9 pm and text books and stuff talking about how the Men was always rounded away by the Japanese and "never to be seen again"...My dad shared with me that my Great-Grandfather was one of them....
I dunno what to say, I mean, I always (respectfully) viewed then as unlucky-throw-of-dice people, and now I find that my family member was one of them...I dunno what I should feel.
Me with the ikea-pinko-mobile. Seatbelts and batteries not included.
I went out with Mark, (man, that sounds gay. NO, i'm straight) to get some new shoes and for guy chat. (chitchat *rolls eyes* wateva).
I got the usual converse canvas sneakers which I had years back, just a size bigger. The shop assistant kept persuading me to get one size lower, liek hullo~ I've been telling her for the last 5 minutes that i'm 100%-certain-cross my fingers-swear at bush-deadset of getting this size, DO NOT keep telling me that it is too big omg...*rolls eyes* maybe she just wanted to talk to me...(it's so hard to be famous...)
And then I bought a cufflink lol. My dad keeps insisting that I buy stupid things..."eh buy this kind of nonsense for what? (this is a cufflink) yah cuff lor, handcuffs right? (no no, cuff as in the part of the sleeve clothing) yah lor, handcuff la" =.= heh heh...
Anyways, went to starbucks with Mark for more chat, and I got bored of him :x so we play serviette checkers. I trashed him 3-1, plus I threw the last match :xx
Here's our "kings". Yes I know it's sad that we resort to these things.......liek trashing Mark :D
Then more walk and we came to a Japanese Supermarket!!! Ramen Ramen Ramen Ramen Rame... I bought Japanese bowl noodles!!! (so cool xD instructions in Japanese ._. can read, cant understand.)
See, they even packed the seaweed inside. cool right?
Overall, it was a fantastic michelin 3 star gourmet experience.
Alright, school's starting in 2 days...plenty of mixed feelings. I guess the good news is that busing is provided from tampines interchange. (I got school at 9 on three days =.=)
adios to people i met, love you still (bimbo voice) no la, still can meet de la, i'm saying, just got new class nia.
Was fun to know everyone. except... :x
I haven't post this pic, it was first sem, locvid, playing with lighting, (not lightning) found it in my documents....well lol.
Mark and I were discussing about initiating a skateboarding cca (that fanatic) in school, I'm in for the admin part and he's just the passionate fanatic. Anyone who is interested in helping us setup or joining us just message me. think cca points xD.
New song, michi~to you all by aluto. hmmm,
Why my blog is still bigger and better:
My blog is not like those conventional blogs out there where....I give you all example:
I wokeszz urp dis morn n liek the cosmos was really hotzxz, liekssz omgawd, I woke up sweating [it's perspiring]. And i wonderedszxzs why? I mean lieksz, why is e Sun so hotzs
[useless words and trash](5 paragraphs of it)
So i was tinkin' the whole dayssz and got many reasons... and i tot of wat ef we had no sunzzeszz. and i realisedes, dat e sun is a natural occrance n dat we shd jus let nature take its own path and tht wat i say n feel does not matter...
i had funzewx today. kisses and lovesswex
died at 1.10 am.
aren't you guys glad I blog like I blog. My style demands attention! :D heh heh. yar lah I very alot of time can... But on a serious note, hope everyone is enjoying themselves reading. till then, kill yourself with the randomness.
Dan died at, raptured, flew, slept, logged off, dragged off, offed off at, dcd-ed at, froze at, stopped at, posted at 12.39.04 pm, saturday, gmt +8, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur.
Payback is sweet (dumb corny line). whatever =.= .
Alright, this is not a post, this is just a reply to "him-who-is-level-935-and-shall-omfgwtfpwnu". Lol I know its petty, childish, no life, waste of time, stupid, wtf? ,kind of response but hey, if you got plenty of time to spare and nothing to do. anything goes...
Anyways. School begins in 1 week, zzz. I look forward to school, but I love holidays...its like a fly to a light bulb, love-hate relationship. Too much school and *zap* fly's fried. Fly far away and ... (I can't come up with anything).
Okay, the weather...the weather sucks so bad. Twice, yesterday and today, I took a splash in the afternoon because the weather was hot. And you know that on a hot day, nothing works as well as a cool shower, but liek wtf??? (By the way, if you're under 18, your computer filter isn't working properly since you can read this W.T.F) yes, so as I was saying, wtf. I turned the shower to the max coldest temperature and I got warm water. >.T .
Hullo?!!! It's a hot day, and you wish to cool down, and you take warm baths in the afternoon. TWICE! in two days...zzz.
Anyways. If you are looking to be some pest genocide-al harbringer and leave no trails, use shieldtox...you see the pic, "odourless. kills all insects fast". They're not kidding. Monday night, my parents went out, a minute later, they called me to "enslave and destroy" a trail of ants that lead from our neighbour's house to ours. (my house is clean, I know because I'm doing the housework. It's thei...) So anyway, I grabbed this can, and cold-heartedly, single handedly, in a flash-ly, awesome-ly, exterminated them.
So as I was saying. When I started spraying along the 3 meter long trail, or 4...by the time I got back to the head, say 5 secs? I was faced with the reality of the horrors that I have unleashed-A 5 sec pestilence eradicator...such an awesome thing and I only found out in my 18th year on this earth.
Anyways, was running an errand for my mom and on the way back, I got this pic from an overhead bridge...like sheesh man, why shave? use shieldtox, instant hair removal. Uncap. Spray. 5 secs later your hair troubles are gone. (ok I know this is lame, but like the good readers that you are, just smile.)
This is utterly random, but still a serious matter that we face in today's society. Got it from a blog...liek wth ._. color blindness, yes, definitely. (laugh here readers) [sorry, I'm on a major boredom attack] Who on earth uses green smileys? I mean, I can see the resemblance but wth, not everyone is like that...My yellow smiley is nicer man. xDD
imeem is screwing up, I can't get any songs out of it. So I don't think I can get any songs to play here right now.
School starts in 14 days or 2 weeks. zzz. I gotta get mentally prepared. whatever.