Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The funk in Misc.

okok...I have plenty of leftover pics, others mossipy short stories that I didn't feel like putting up...until now! actually yesterday, but there was a mad dash for our timetables and class that I just could not have heart to blog yesterday. Especially after getting the new classes.

First things first, my new class is 205, so far only tabitha is the only one in the same class, the others got posted to other classes....(I guess the smart and cool people are in the 05 class i suppose >.<) Anyways. I know it's not nice to say this, but I shall, I don't think I'll like my new class. :D I think everyone will say this la. But I guess I'll make friends sooner or later. Sucks but still, oh well. Bridge and sandwiches will always be cool for meeting.

So here's my harmonica, she's german, and she's cheap, a $10 C chord harmonica, I need a A chord. Anyways, I said I'll play sadness and sorrow. But it sounds good, except when you record it, it sounds really amatuerish. When played together with the sound track it sounds good, but solo, it sucks. So i need to practice more first, or buy an A chord harmonica.

This is the leftover pics section where I wanted to post in previous weeks that have passed. Anyways. This is the Singapore Flyer, I was caught in a traffic jam with my dad and sister when I had to accompany her to the dentist. The funny thing is, the biggest ferris wheel in the world doesn't actually seem so big to me, it's really disappointing I guess, and the stupidity of the situation is that India will have a bigger one in the later half of 2008 and in 2009, China will have an even bigger one. =.= . rrightt. like, (...)

So this was me, on the return journey, with my short hair. I thought that I'll do a retarded shot in jest of the Singapore Flyer, But i missed, But I was lucky (see below)

Instead of the Singapore Flyer accompanying my (intended) retarded face, I got a pic of the car that caused the traffic jam earlier that morning. like O.o Lol.

So this is my favorite pic, after my dad dropped me and my sister off at her school, I walked out to catch a bus home, the bus-stop was infront of bedok reservoir and park and I got this funny pic. I like it. So utterly random and stupid. liek, DANGER, Keep Out......eh...rriight...out of???


So everything's done, I posted the unposted post, talked about my new class (sadded) and updated about my harmonica progress. And yes, I've read finished New Spring. The prequel to The Wheel of Time.

I just want to end by blessing and honoring Robert Jordan, the late author of the series, he rocked hard.
And in memory of Irisis and Moiraine.

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