Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009~!!

Mighty Morphine PR users (mcm students)

I'm going to start my year properly tomorrow, which means doing my work seriously, so I'll post this up early. So yes, Happy New Year folks, as much as I don't mean it, I hope 2009 represents a new chapter in life, for all the fellow poly people, I wish you perseverance as we continue to work on the shit from last year :O

haha, righto, what's up for news...*coughs*
Right, this is official:


Yeah Q_Q.... I'm serious, it has finally closed down, at White Sands :X heh heh. I think right, the franchise is better off selling it's products in NTUC la, either that right, or they gotta venture and try out new flavors~ I'm suggesting for the new year, a Yu Sheng flavored ice-cream, with carrots and all, so its like frozen salad, with maple syrup, and wierd crackers, and if you toss it about it'll scream chinese phrases like year year got fish, dragon horse gold spirit, thousand death or one (wan si ru yi) I think it's mispronounced but whatever~

yes yes, and maybe a garlic chilli flavoured ben & jerry's :( ever since macdonalds stopped producing them and came out with some lousy sour sweet orange chilli packets, i was horribly disappointed, wah lao eh, what happened to tradition, history and geography?? I mean, the fries have lost half their niceness :( but i'm too disheartened to blog about something so sad so heh.

(Text says: "To save SJ, the lives of 6 others are forever screwed." click on pic to enlarge)

So right, Happy New Year, new resolutions, new start, same old homework bleah. Have a good year ahead people :D

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Okay I take a break from my work, to tell you guys about my work. See, we have a module called event management, and if we do not successfully organise an event, we fail. Since its a pass/fail module, no grades, the definition of success is defined only if there are many people who turn up for this event.

So you better come, unless you want me to repeat a super ultra lame module. which i know you will be tempted to try.

So so, whats the event? Barbecue and Frisbee, most likely seven dollars each. At east coast park and you guys have to confirm your "i-will-be-there"s by this wednesday. Why you might want to go?

why of course its to see me!! hahaha, no la :X
Well, errr you get bbq food, play night frisbee, visit the beach, make some friends? I know they are lame excuses and you rather sleep through your weekends, but right, for me you would come right? ahahahaha.

So yes, event is this Saturday, 3rd of January, 5 to forever, east coast park. let me know by this wed latest.

See and meet the hunk4eva closeup this Saturday at East coast park, exclusive appearance only at "frisbee+bbq" 3rd Jan, 09.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Black Square

Yes DJ Max Black Square is outttt~!
Credits go to HC who alerted me to the iso debut of this version for more hardcore players!!

Haha, not much changes, but its not bad. Just needs getting used to. But I prefer the "cleaner" feel of the clazziquai. This version not so nice in terms of aesthetic design. Difficulty wise, DJ Max Portable 1 still hardest. Only good thing about this version is that they don't count by % anymore. Rather, they look at your overall high score.

Right, so that's DJ Max.
Personal life-wise, I'm starting to go back to do my work. But watching One-Piece online is more appealing then powerpoints and word documents. I know its sinful but in these last 2 weeks I downed 140 episodes of One-Piece :X

So I have 10 more days till school starts and I wasted close to 70 hrs of my life watching cartoons.

Righto, and pik-chas on the bbq that day. Credits: Glenn's Facebook Addiction hahaha

Dan goes robo-dance style

See no strength, hear no nothing, eat no Hullo Panda

Iron Hao looking noble

Angry Iron Hao after he lost his bling



Righto, so thanks again Glenn for the pictures. The folder is titled windermere on Facebook. Thats that.

Aside, roast lamb pwns turkey anytime man. And fruit salad is nice.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Eve~ and twolights

heh, i dunno whats the joke about, but by request of Yinghao, who turns 18 today, I have made this twolight poster :O

haha, and yes, dinner and Christmas cum YH celebration was fun yesterday. I think Glenn got some photos so i'll kope them when she uploads them. hmmm.

Yes, I dunno whats the hype about twilight, but i'm sure every sensible man (minus glenn) out there, will roll his eyes when another one falls to the twilight side.

So anyway, as I write this, I came up with the most plausible theory on why girls love twilight.

It's because they can relate to it. See, what this vampire book has in relation to the other 50% of our human population is that they love to suck blood...omg, they will suck your blood man...not only that, they make you vomit blood, get high blood pressure etc etc.

So yeah, its the eve of Chirstmas, I got relatives coming over soon, and I like the photo frame and the photo (Thanks Glenn).

Have a Great Christmas guys, buh bye~

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Bdays~ so many bdays~

Right, so today's my dad's birthday, and for his birthday present I made him a painting ahahaha. He always complains my painting are all emo-ish and stuff, so this painting which i'm giving him, is the most cheerful of the lot! ahaha.

Oh well, right, so anyways, its the festive season, no one seems to be blogging much. What's up is event after event~ Serious! I dunwanna bore you with details, but I everyday kena something one :(

Q_Q what about work?! wah lao, screw work la, but if got people do work during this week I will feel damn dulan lol :(

Sorry, this isn't exactly entertaining but its just an update on my want entertainment? don't go mark's blog~

In Advance, since I probably won't be blogging.

Merry Christmas, and don't fall down.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


By special request of "hunk-forever yinghaoss:)" after he created some confusion, he asked me to be merciful and make a "The day the Earth stood Still" poster of him, so the benevolent Daniel was kind and made "Hao the Earth stood Still"!!

Ahahahaha, anyways, this morning I read in The Straits Times one damn sad case. An old man in Japan, 60 years old, at his retirement party, was celebrating and his friends threw him in the air to celebrate, (you know those carry throw and catch stuff), apparently they missed, and he landed and fractured his bones, leading to his death some 10 months later. Sad right? O_O lol. :X

Anyways, it reminded me of some of you guys' latest blog post where your did the death calculator and gave commandments to be followed after your die. So I tried it out muahahah.

Thats kinda sad :(
96 years old =_= If I live that long I want to hit 100! not die some 4 years before I can say I seen an entire century! wah lao eh.

Yah yah, so what would I like...hmmm, I don't want to say laugh and be merry at my funeral, since it will be hard, no matter what everyone always tell their loved ones "eh dun cry for me ah, live life and be merry".

MUAHAHA BUT RIGHT! Daniel is considerate! he plans way in advance!

Right, so at my funeral,

these video's are to be played,
Stephen Chows shows, Youtube funnies, AFV, all the elf videos, Gaki no Tsukai.

Everyone is forced to eat warheads non-stop!

Since Elijah asks for bak kut teh to be served at his funeral, I want people to eat bak chor mee at mine!

Yes, and finally, dont come for the burning thingy, since i myself would find it troublesome to go there....just leave me at the void deck or something~~

In honour of Ben and Reed's new Blogs, ( and (, I just had to make some posters for them. *shrugs*


Monday, December 15, 2008

Yes is the new No!

haha alright, I was hoping I could catch Yes Man tomorrow but it doesn't open till this coming thursday, so Q_Q. Anyways, Sorry to have been away for so long, but its the hols now and well, its real pleasant! ahahah.

Meh, anyways, I'll be going out tomorrow to lan with the "finc" guys, maybe catch some movie, things I'll do this holiday is work, avoid work, and paint ahahaha, paint a nice picture. So hopefully ArtFriend is open tomorrow.

The polar express is on now, nice sound track, maybe nice show, if I was bored. But I'm watching One Piece now, so life's kinda cool for the moment.

Since this is an update, I might as well say: "I cut my hair!" haha, now its thinner, so nicer also.

Meh, christmas is coming! i'm bored :X and so are you.

We'll see what I can do about the next post alright~? ^*

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Imma Back!

Hi guys~ sorry to be away for abit, but I just got back from youth camp!!

which was,

ahahaha. too good luh heh. God revealed some of his plans to me, I made new friends, I reach a new level in Christ~ woo~! and I am free~ee woahahoah....

Anyways~ long overdue is an update on Second Life.

Basically...2nd life err, is not good. heh. i think it makes for decent time-wasters. Its actually alright la, I wouldn't condemn it as badly as the rest.

Anyways to start off, Benjamin named his avatar "enci" , so in retaliation, I named mine "yiren borkotron" haha.
Straight off, after flying around the spawn area, we got bored. Then aiyah, ben said "I rank it 1/10" ...

heh, and we didn't even "officially" begin playing yet. tsk

so anyways, since I was left alone in 2nd Life, i went about fiddling with my appearence, trying to make my avatar look like me, all after seeing these:

awesome right? haha so I tried making mine...


Woo~! super anti-climax right! hahaha, the above was my first try, and below my second.

It isn't as easy as I initially thought la. and I actually spent quite some time on it zzz.

anyways, imma gonna delete it off the comp now, and then get back to the next thing on my schedule.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A man named Reed

yo~ reed. if you're reeding this, then you'd alreedy know this post was reeden especially for you! I reedly hope you enjoy this! :D

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

(heh, i still think the disco version is the most hilarious ahahahaha)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Festive Cheer

Mannnn...(not you glenn),
Mario just showed the lecture class some funny vid and I knew I had to visit the site. The people who invented this are definitely the kind of person I wanna be heh. funny lor.

So anyways do enjoy the video, have fun, and you most probably want to visit the site itself:

(Specifically for Christmas)

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

I should'nt be doing this.

I've told myself "I should'nt be doing this" countless times, various times the whole of today. haha, including when I clicked the signed in button on blogger.

Let's see, hmmph. My eyes...omg my eyes, i think i need new specs/ contacts. Working on projects the entire day the last 2 days have killed my eyes, zzz im blogging with my eyes literally with half eye lids...okay i bluff, 3/4! 3/4 open ok!

alright, my msn is on, and i got some irritating people talking to me now, dun mind me, i'm just touchy thats all, I got 2 assignments to do by this friday, 2 more assignments I gotta complete by this sunday (if I hope to go youth camp)

so please, i am so not nice right now.

You know what irritates me now? People who are happy. I can't stand happy people in my current mood. yes. I'm in a position I don't envy with pleeny of stress. And so are you. Thats why you're reading this chunk of words to avoid your homework ahaha.

I'm getting fat, i didnt exercise in 2 weeks already, i'm stress, my skin isn't exactly nice. I'm feeling all explosive on some people. MAN!

haha. so where was I..

right never mind. It's December, and my mom put up the new christmas tree. oh well. But i'm nowhere from feeling festive. heh, i know, i know, this post is quite the rant, and maybe you guys will "speedread" through this entire thing. but!

lets just say, Daniel isn't feeling very gracious right now.

arghgh ghgh gah gahghagh.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Time: Always the unwilling party

Right, I have so much to blog about, but so little time.

Life right now is about deadlines. And since I'll be going off in week 9, it just means I gotta rush up everything before then.

But that does not mean a compromise on entertainment on your part!

Cauz today, I'll be listing the blog posts I wanted to do the past 3 days but just couldn't and wouldn't do after today.

Make a wiki page about myself and link you guys to it. Through a simple post that simply reads, "click here" and on it make the page funnily lame and realistic. of course it'll be objective! ahaha
The page title would be "Daniel the Orsum"

Photoshop Glenn, Mark and Nick into a Quantum of Solace pic, with them holding a lightsaber, bazooka and the rifle. Think glenn with shades and matrix styled.

Blog about my depreciating self esteem. haha, like, how my blog posts doesn't reflect how you would think that i'm like, no self confidence kind, but in real life i seem to be more reserved now, no its not going to be emo.

Blog about what walking on 50m of road can show you.


Thing's I've seen at peak hour where huge crowds pass, all along a 50 metre path.

- Business women smoking in her company's unifrom smoking directly infront of the exhibition that her company is having, those survey insurer kinda people.
- Uncle selling fruits and fruit blender that screams health, smoking at his table where all his wares are.
- Basker lao ah peh. smoking at his place when he can be earning money in the presence of huge crowds. I will never pity him again! I wasted money on him if all he did was take my money for ciggarettes. Of course the action of donating cash isn't regrettable, its the result that is.

yeah, don't ask, i also wonder why smoking is the common factor in all the stories above.

Do a REED post, unfortunately no time to photoshop. you good! you good!, did I mention i got your photos already? :P

6. Do a heartwarming, (yeah right), post on my friends. lol.

7. Photoshop (secret) but the result didnt come out so well

8. Blog about radio, how i dropped to mark's standard (I'm fine guys, really. after the first 20 minutes i got over it). and how I only know that I just have to work harder now.

9. Blog about freeloaders and people who seriously can't be bothered about a module, and that person is in your team. ****

How like Mark, blogging seems so attractive when there're so many deadlines.


Yeah, thats about it, I'm suprised myself that just within 3 days I got so much i wanted to blog about. haha. But anyways, this is done, and my break has ended. gotta do my work now.

nah never mind, go eat ice cream first.

Watch this video, nice and timely, prolly explain the white tiger incident~

All you need is luurve, love crosses all boundaries. Well, touching, then the white tiger incident was i think, unreciprocrated love.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coffee on an empty stomach.. you a tinge of stomachache which sucks :(

[Nope, I didn't/won't watch the movie, but I thought spoofing movie posters would be fun. Would make it a hobby now~ (I heard a "yessh" from people whom I dun have assess to their pictures}]

anyways, life's going pretty cool for me, I don't know if you wanted to hear that, but you should, since its my prologue to today's post.

Right, so anyways, life's cool, apart from the stress and the pimple breakout, I like how it is...except one thing.

Recently, SOME people pointed out that I sweat, ok, perspire (sweat is for animals) a lot. Thats when I realised, =.= it's true.

I DO perspire too much Q_Q

I can perspire when eating, when standing in MRT with aircon, i can perspire just by climbing the overhead bridge. I mean, i'm not like those really gross sweaters (people who perspire). I perspire with grace ok! heh. I mean, the sun seems to follow me wherever I go! you can say I light up your life ahahaha.

I think it's because my shirts are too tight, and my hair is too thick. ahahaha. anyways I went to wiki it~ (I really should be concentrating on my work :X)

As you can see, i can't understand any of it, so i turned to yahoo, yes, I "yahooed' it, you lousy googly people.

"disorders" O_O haha, strong word, so i later changed it to excessive sweating, and this is what i got. Read here. (People who think they have sweating disorders, read there too) Some descriptives and stuff, like sweating on your eyeballs, and your sweat has sweat, err sweat that leave permanant scars ahahaha, no just kidding.

Anyways from the reading, I concluded, I do not have any disorders! or excessive sweating problems!
Probably like i suspected, tight clothing and a world where the sun shines 12/7, and a country with condemmed stupidity, i mean, humidity. I keep my dignity :D

My point of this post? I dunno, I thought I'd appear smart showing my background prep :P which i doubt only impressed upon you the contrary.



Monday, November 24, 2008

New Look yo~

alright alright, I know I'm supposed to not have time- as I declared 2 days ago, and during which these 2/3 days I've blogged everyday. ahahaha

But of course,

Today's Special!!

I've updated my blog skin, so y'know, since it's something nicer and bigger to look at, must make a big hoo-har about it. Of course, it makes it easier for y'all to read my text as well, since I usually write chunks. It's more or less permanent, till I learn to design my own blogskins. so yep.

Oh yeah, there's no banner, but at least it echoes your declarations. heh.

Have a good day.
bless me.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

OMG~! World Dominationer Person

ahahaha, the person who wants to dominate the world,


heh, thats why i got 5 minutes to blog about this.

I wanted to do cross-cultural design for my website, and i was err. suffering horribly because to name a few, as i see it:

-Cultural design has integrated alot since ages past, making research hard to do
-The only way is to generalise since google and yahoo and wikipedia isnt helping, unless you want to read 43 pages essays that tell you what you already know.
-Sorting out chunks of cultural design elements will kill your brain cells.
-All that, and the website might still be irrelevant or not even accurate

Anyways, this is to thank XM. yes, HUGE thanks. for all the headache she saved by suggesting, I do the journey website, on the Korean Trip I went. ALRIGHTTHH!

Though it gave my brain a shock at first since I realised Ive wasted all my time and the possibilities of having to redesign everything, at least now i have something solid to work on.

haha thanks man~!

O_O hahahahahaha...ok work work~

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Alright folks, I'll make this quick since i'm really busy and in a rush.
This is week 7, from this week, till week 9, I'll be really busy, so I won't be blogging much!! Q_Q?

Nah, I'll still be blogging, but not that much, that's all, and only if it's important.

Which means the super entertaining post I wanted to do, can only be done in week 8. or 9... or maybe 10. Boooo~! Since hopefully in week 9, I can go for youth camp at Port Dickson.

Anyways. Here's an event promo.

This coming Sunday, 30th November is 180! The awesomest youth activity of the year! Its open to everyone, as long as you're a youth, and there will be dance competitions, games etc etc. Maybe it doesn't sound like much, but think "crowds", "fun", "party".

Who: YOU
What: Awesomenest- the event
Where: The Edge
When: 30th November, 6.00pm, but pre-event activities starts at 2.30pm
How: let me know
Why: Cauz there will be many other youths around! make new friends! hang out, have fun~!

It's not going to be for very long, and it's going to be fun, although I'll be busy, I'll most probably try to go. This is organised by THE EDGE. So remember, if you're interested to come, sms me, call me, mail me, leave a comment whatever, and I'll help you get your way there.

It'll be fun, definately the biggest youth event for the year. So come on down!

[BTW: the card above damn chio right, not I design one, but real power, I also want learn how Q_Q]


In other news, my slipper got spoilt yesterday Q_Q, I slipped on a puddle of water, thankfully I didn't fall at all, but it spoilt my slipper noooooooooooo!! man, maybe I shall go Cheers or Co-op to buy. hmmm.

Randomly, after 6 weeks in school, I found the cheapest way to get sushi! Every day, after 9pm, EDO Sushi sells their sushi for half price once you overshoot $6 worth of stuff, that means, if I buy $7 worth of sushi, I only pay $3.50.

OMG? yes, thats right, so its tasty, filling, cheap, and not so fresh, but who cares? hahahah, every wednesday I will buy one, since I end real late, so when the train hits the station, I will chiong to EDO Sushi, and kope all the oiishi $2 packets before anyone else does. yum.

Just think, half price.

So just a reminder, these next 3 weeks I'll be real busy, I'll be blogging of course, since i'm not on haitus, but prolly only during PR :X instead of other days...or err only for nicer news.

If not, just wait for the 2nd Life post after week 8/9.

Work hard everyone!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Time to be Happy Again!

Alright guys, instead of blogging tomorrow during PR, I decided to blog tonight, since there's a test next week for PR and I want to pay attention. SO yes, this post is also off the previous rants, which i thank you guys for your suggestions :D

So anyways, since I seen the BK ad for the stacker burgers, I've been wanting to eat it for bragging rights, and for the meat...and finally, just 2 days back, I DID! alrrrighhht.

Look, here it is in its full and oily glory. It's really sinful to be eating this when we're in a recession, but we middle class people should help the economy right?

I had the quad stacker one, the one called ballsy. Tabitha has been bragging that she had it twice already, for which, we others replied she just has more balls then us man. hahaha. Its funny that she doesn't called it by its name, yes, " ballsy". NOT quad stacker quad stacker =.=

So i ate it ahaha, 4 slices of beef, many golden slices of cheese, strips of bacon, plenty of greese. zomg, real feeling with set meal. I say, for the taste, its alright, but I think personally, its better to have the triple stacker, cause the quad is WAY TOO MUCH meat, so triple stacker, that is, the Brave, should be the minimum-maximum enjoyment. I say its nice, but it really comes to the point where you feel like you're eating a steak ahahaha.

Compared to Macdonalds promotion, I say mac should be tastier, but you would want to eat this for the meat!!

So anyways, I felt real guilty and just had to exercise. Which I did, just yesterday. Thanks to the constant advice by Ying Hao, like some personal trainer ahahaha, I can look reasonably fit when I suck in my stomach :X


Right, in other news, Ben, sherd and I, as well as (I'm recruiting more) are probably going to play second life, read here for more details on what second life is.

Right, now, I suggest any of your looking for a game, try this out, its only 500+ mb, its free, and can run on mac, windows and stuff. And yes, I was telling Ben and Sherd my plans for world domination on second life...

We. are. going to be. BENGS in second life! yes, we're going to make a gang and upset life in second life ahahaha, it's going to be funnily retarded. so join us if you can, I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

These People should die.

Its a nice Monday morning, and I got a nice line-up of work to be doing, so far, i'm keeping up to my rhythm (its 9.09am), so why of all reasons, would I blog when I intended to do my work?

[Re-edited to "someone" to make this post less offensive]

HONESTLY, that is simply the most distasteful thing you can learn off, spoils your mood entirely. Can you imagine? A ten cm scratch on the right hand side of the car, off the door? Thats as long as this:


I tell you this, if that person did it on purpose, he deserves to die. OKAY you know what? maybe not die, but I hope his car gets totaled, beat-up and maybe break a few fingers. AND for whatever reason anyone of you who is reading this has scratched a car before, get lost. its disgusting.

Is it my fault that my car is parked in an HDB multi-story carpark? HONESTLY, majority of Singaporeans use Multistory car parks, others have private garages, thats nice, but you know what, many of you should understand what I'm saying, people who think its justified to scratch people's cars are downright retards and I mean it, whatever crooked logic, its like saying, I go your house and burn it ok?

Maybe this post does nothing or can do nothing to deter those bastards who scratch people's car on purpose, and maybe it's too tiring to get and install a camera, but lets say someone does get caught, which they probably won't I hope he/she gets a just punishment. HULLO! you scratch people's property, funny ah? Bloody cowardy, maybe I'm stereotyping but, you dont like my car nicer than yours isit? maybe your bloody actions just reflect your lousy attitude that makes you not getting a good pay to buy a good car?

OK, so maybe you know what, we live in the same HDB area, so we're "the same". Okay, so maybe you're rich and you like to scratch cars as sport, because it helps your pathetic perverse side to get high. You know what, I'm sure many of us dont need this.

SCRATCHING PEOPLE'S CARS is COWARDLY. you know, if you cock ups have a problem, put a note there, leave your number. We'll try to sort things. But NO~~, you choose to do something as lowly, as pathetic, as disrespectful as damaging someones property and getting away with it.

Is this a one-sided post?
I'm sorry, my dad doesnt park like a retard, he parks so perfect that the next car beside him looks as if it is parked by a person with lousy hand-eye co-ordination. Is that a crime that he can do his basics better than you?

I'm sorry, my car also isnt the kind that asks to get scratch. My previous car was also scratched quite badly, you can tell it's not a cat or anything because they don't make horizontal scratched that is those kind...aiyah you know what i mean la, very easy to spot.

You say it's because I live in Pasir Ris thats why liddat, are you saying the part of SG where you live is infested with upright people and full of cameras? where the CC watch groups petrols every 5-10 minutes? It's not just my car or my housing estate, many people who have nothing to do with it also kena because of these retarded few.

These people, although I can't get back at them, will obviously receive retribution in some form.

I hope they get into a non-fatal accident, lose some fingers, remember the time they scratched a car, and have someone pointing at them with their healthy attached fingers. Or you know what, maybe something more realistic, like having theirs cars will be scratched as well. But worst. Maybe I should hire some hitman, to take care of my car, and when someone scratched my car, they will go to the persons car, puncture his tires, break his windows, remove any paintjob he has, dent the entire thing, and leave the cashcard intact.

OR Or Or let the ERP malfunction as you drive through the gantry, costing you some small fortune that can't be recovered. You know what, I hope all drivers who intentionally scratch other peoples cars, to all be involved in a massive pile-up one day.

Sure, maybe I'm responding to how the idiot who scratched my car wanted me to feel, all rage and no one to expand it on. SO im losing in the end. I don't believe in that, sorry.

For eg, Do you expect someone who witnessed his car being scratched to walk up to the aggressor and smile widely, pat his back, maybe give him a high-five at he same time, saying "nice try man, but it's not enough" then drive off. NO? I'm sure he gets into his car, while the guy who scratched the car remains stunned being caught in the act, and runs him over.

So yeah, you don't expect me to smile.

I had better get back to my work.

If you want to comment, please leave a worst punishment, but no deaths please.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy 100!

yay! I finally reached my 100th post ahahaha. ANYWAYS, since its school time, it just means I cant do anything special to celebrate this heh.

So anyways, before I rush off to send my grandmother to church (hokkien service) I shall post up two of the inspirational christian songs that I like. They're quite old, but its nice. Couldnt get the live footage though.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

zomg White Tiger

I was greeted this morning with the dumbdest news ever heard ahahaha. Which exactly- is the guy who sucided the white tigers at the zoo! Read here for more!

Okay, I find it dumb. It's not that im heartless, sure the guy had issues, including the issue of choosing to go out that way~ but ok la, you gotta admit that even YOU find that situation dumb cmon admit it, that guy really can't be taken seriously for doing something so dumb.

Yeah, I mean....lets break it down, since I also can't understand what he was doing.

He was either:

Suicidal- okay, so if he was sucidal, why the tigers? I mean, was he like attention seeking? He'll be better off with the chipmunks or something. zzz. The newspapers wrote he jumped in, sticked a bucket over his head and started screaming when the tigers attacked him... O_O he lost every shred of dignity that he intended to reserve by sucide if that was the case. Which brings me to...


Confused- Maybe errr i dunno, he was probably mad with the world and in a cloudy moment of rage he felt like taking on the white tigers that he has to clean up everyday, probably mad with keeping them white. then when he jumped in he found out his broom wasnt the solution for everything, like I always tell nick "violence isnt the solution to everything" but like nick, that guy ignored sound advise.

Tsk. okok, if you're still feeling I should'nt talk about the guy like that, I want you to picture this again:

Zoo worker, acting wierdly, suddenly jumps into white tiger enclosure with broom and bucket in hand. Attacks the white tigers with broom, covers head with bucket, screams...

I bet first you feel pity, then incredulity? and finally you realise that you cant take him seriously, must be too much gladiator shows. tsk. media can be negative i tell you!

And I want eat BK's Ballsy burger!! imba stuff, sure get fat one tsk. must work out one month to get slim again...tsk or go play tag with white tiger.

Good Weekend y'all~

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Rant against Ranters

Just a while ago, Tabitha sent me a link, saying it was funny. I opened it and was presented with a blog which was filled to the brim with rantings, swearing, acid replies on cboxes. And I felt thoroughly disgusted.

BUT Dan~! you say, "It's their blog! They can put up what they want! Not happy don't read!" well, unfortunately I did read before I realised the crap it was. And it spoilt my day. But it did replace my blogging agenda of wanting to post up hilarious vids, so blame tab if you must, (tab screams"dun shoot the messenger") well the blog link, im not gonna post it up, since I do not encourage that shit. (Pardon my vocabulary, but for this special occasion, I shall limitedly indulge in these words.)

So anyways, I was thinking, why do I get all fired up over such emo-ed up ranting self centered blogs? Precisely because its such a distasteful lousy read. Who wants to read about your life? Not me, especially if its so frigging emo-ed up.

SO you say "who cares about what you think, I write for my friends". Oh yeah? that just tells me how dumb your friends are, either that all your friends just love reading about your crappy life. Meaning? Meaning you exist sorely as a feel-good friend.

"NO! thats not true, my friends care about me?" is that so? so maybe YOU don't care for them! post after post of emo shizzes and feeling sorry for yourself as you see your friends trying to comfort you...Ouh? so your friends see something in you? sorry I dun. The only thing I see in you is a shivelled self-center attention seeker.

Another thing I detected is the pseodo act big personality, "asking" for help, while acting tough. So you use big words now eh. Well, shame on you. Even if you are wrongly accused, or are riled up badly, sorry, it doesn't give you the right to invoke body parts and family names into the picture. Is your blog the only way for you to get back at someone? It just reflects your simplicity.

"oh but Dan, you're using it too now" oh yeah? im sorry if you're simply too retarded or lazy to read specially for this entry, im making special allowances to lambast you lousy retards, fire with fire, and i practice self control. And no, i'm not proud of it.

"But-but, thats how my life is!" Ouh, so thats how you talk in real life? I see, so its your personality now, and if I dont like it I can get out? ouh sure, thats the same comments that got Wee Shu Min in trouble, as well as the top blog in Singapore for one week. Well you're right, I give you that, I'm not interested in the life of someone like you.

Now seriously, angsty blogs that rant about how weary they are of the world? Read carefully,

The World is weary of YOU.

[yes, I am the World.]

Now, seriously, I read that the internet would have been full by next year, but thankfully some company pumped in trillions of dollers to free up the web. Maybe you can give back to society by saving internet space and removing your blog.

Now, if i've not convinced you how much I dislike such immaturely inconsiderate blogs, pay attention! If its really your life, and its your blog, lets just say that the 100mb of cyberspace that you own, is probably the most tiring memory of yourself you'll ever leave of yourself. Do you want (dumb) people who care for you remember you this way? As a pathetic self centered disillusioned attention grabber?

Honestly, I'm all for your own rights to blog, but give your readers a break, know your limitations, if your life is miserable, sure post once, post twice, move on already. If you hope to get care and concern through your blog, care for your viewers first, if not, you will have no readers and you'll be simply blogging alone with suckered readers and you both will feed into each others dumbness.


to anyone who reads this, feel free to copy-paste this into any emo blog you come across. Make the world a less emo place! Its the rant against ranters and I think I do make sense.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

On Saturday, 8 November 2008, my Grandmother accepted Christ.

during our church's Care & Share outreach. Thank God.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Talk about timeliness :D
Anyways, I don't own this picture. thanks to HZ who sent me this.

Anyways, talk about randomness,
I always wanted to do this:


ahahaha.Here's how you do it, buy 5 takoyaki's, with one odd, in my case, I bought 4 ham and cheese and 1 prawn. It works exactly like Russian Roulette, except that you dont wanna eat the prawn! Straightforward right? its more for self amusement~

I got the prawn on my second "shot" =_=

I want to write about Michael Crichton- the most awesomest author, ok one of the highest ranked authors in my list.

Say you dunno or never heard about him, you would at least have heard of or seen the movies that his books had been made into, here are the books of his I have read since secondary school:

-The Andromeda strain
-Rising Sun
-Jurassic Park
-Lost World
-Eaters of the Dead
-State of Fear
-The Great Train Robbery.

As you can see, almost all of them made it to the screen. The first book of his I got was "The Lost World", in a Church sale. From then on I went around hunting down his books and IF you have not heard of these books, you have no idea what a crime it is zzz. :(

Anyways, this great author died on the 4th of November 2008, 2 days back. I can only say he is truly awesome, together with Robert Jordan, who died earlier this year Q_Q

[Robert Jordan is the author of Conan the Barbarian and the even more sugoii series: THE WHEEL OF TIME honestly, i'm gonna do a super post dedicated to the Wheel of Time when the last book to the series is published posthumously next year.]

IF you have never heard of these 2 great authors or their works, i am seriously going to punch you :'(

~I'll miss them already, haha great inspirations- both of them.