Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coffee on an empty stomach..

..gives you a tinge of stomachache which sucks :(

[Nope, I didn't/won't watch the movie, but I thought spoofing movie posters would be fun. Would make it a hobby now~ (I heard a "yessh" from people whom I dun have assess to their pictures}]

anyways, life's going pretty cool for me, I don't know if you wanted to hear that, but you should, since its my prologue to today's post.

Right, so anyways, life's cool, apart from the stress and the pimple breakout, I like how it is...except one thing.

Recently, SOME people pointed out that I sweat, ok, perspire (sweat is for animals) a lot. Thats when I realised, =.= it's true.

I DO perspire too much Q_Q

I can perspire when eating, when standing in MRT with aircon, i can perspire just by climbing the overhead bridge. I mean, i'm not like those really gross sweaters (people who perspire). I perspire with grace ok! heh. I mean, the sun seems to follow me wherever I go! you can say I light up your life ahahaha.

I think it's because my shirts are too tight, and my hair is too thick. ahahaha. anyways I went to wiki it~ (I really should be concentrating on my work :X)

As you can see, i can't understand any of it, so i turned to yahoo, yes, I "yahooed' it, you lousy googly people.

"disorders" O_O haha, strong word, so i later changed it to excessive sweating, and this is what i got. Read here. (People who think they have sweating disorders, read there too) Some descriptives and stuff, like sweating on your eyeballs, and your sweat has sweat, err sweat that leave permanant scars ahahaha, no just kidding.

Anyways from the reading, I concluded, I do not have any disorders! or excessive sweating problems!
Probably like i suspected, tight clothing and a world where the sun shines 12/7, and a country with condemmed stupidity, i mean, humidity. I keep my dignity :D

My point of this post? I dunno, I thought I'd appear smart showing my background prep :P which i doubt only impressed upon you the contrary.



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