Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Talk about timeliness :D
Anyways, I don't own this picture. thanks to HZ who sent me this.

Anyways, talk about randomness,
I always wanted to do this:


ahahaha.Here's how you do it, buy 5 takoyaki's, with one odd, in my case, I bought 4 ham and cheese and 1 prawn. It works exactly like Russian Roulette, except that you dont wanna eat the prawn! Straightforward right? its more for self amusement~

I got the prawn on my second "shot" =_=

I want to write about Michael Crichton- the most awesomest author, ok one of the highest ranked authors in my list.

Say you dunno or never heard about him, you would at least have heard of or seen the movies that his books had been made into, here are the books of his I have read since secondary school:

-The Andromeda strain
-Rising Sun
-Jurassic Park
-Lost World
-Eaters of the Dead
-State of Fear
-The Great Train Robbery.

As you can see, almost all of them made it to the screen. The first book of his I got was "The Lost World", in a Church sale. From then on I went around hunting down his books and IF you have not heard of these books, you have no idea what a crime it is zzz. :(

Anyways, this great author died on the 4th of November 2008, 2 days back. I can only say he is truly awesome, together with Robert Jordan, who died earlier this year Q_Q

[Robert Jordan is the author of Conan the Barbarian and the even more sugoii series: THE WHEEL OF TIME honestly, i'm gonna do a super post dedicated to the Wheel of Time when the last book to the series is published posthumously next year.]

IF you have never heard of these 2 great authors or their works, i am seriously going to punch you :'(

~I'll miss them already, haha great inspirations- both of them.

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