Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Eve~ and twolights

heh, i dunno whats the joke about, but by request of Yinghao, who turns 18 today, I have made this twolight poster :O

haha, and yes, dinner and Christmas cum YH celebration was fun yesterday. I think Glenn got some photos so i'll kope them when she uploads them. hmmm.

Yes, I dunno whats the hype about twilight, but i'm sure every sensible man (minus glenn) out there, will roll his eyes when another one falls to the twilight side.

So anyway, as I write this, I came up with the most plausible theory on why girls love twilight.

It's because they can relate to it. See, what this vampire book has in relation to the other 50% of our human population is that they love to suck blood...omg, they will suck your blood man...not only that, they make you vomit blood, get high blood pressure etc etc.

So yeah, its the eve of Chirstmas, I got relatives coming over soon, and I like the photo frame and the photo (Thanks Glenn).

Have a Great Christmas guys, buh bye~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

twolight or twilight? i think it's twilight right? haha =D

anyway, i think that's a nice movie! =)