Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Like I promised yesterday, I'll be bringing you,

Climbing Jeju-Do with Daniel!!!

Jeju-Do is the tallest of the 3 mountains that Jeju Island has, standing at 1100m above sea-level, (btw, all this info comes from the tour guide, who was speaking in mandarin =.= my mandarin sucks) It is a dead volcano and we get to climb to the summit.

[before we begin, I like to say that blogspot's pictures are small, so if you want to see the details in the picture you gotta manually click on them, try it on the above pic of jeju-do, see what i mean, alot nicer!]

Abalone Porrid
Okay, let me lay some background here, the morning of the climb, we were fed with Abalone Porridge!!! The greenish gruel tasted alright, but the presentation could do with plenty of improvement, i mean, green??? You eat, and bite into some grit and you wonder w(hy)tf its green, like slime or algae or seaweed or something...zzz and the abalone is like only 2 pieces, the small kind you get in instant noodles, i got 3 only. So with watered down rice for breakfast, we headed on to climb the highest mountain in Jeju. wtf la...if only I knew how conned we'll be...

Anyways, when we arrived, the weather was pleasant and cooling, i was kinda pumped up to climb and get pictures. (from far i thought it was easy to climb, how little did I know '_' )

Here's my family posing for the photo, I was like, "lets not waste time anymore and climb the mountain!!" My enthusiasm couldnt be less naive. It was those kinda "ALRIGGHHHT LES'GO BEH-BEY" moments.

You see the greenish parts of the mountain? before the greyish rock? I initially thought we were supposed to climb till there..

So walk lor.

Now here's the first pitstop we made, the greenish portion. THAT was when I realised i got conned. I wasnt even halfway up the mountain! And i was perspiring buckets le.. >_<

Then nevermind, for the sake of my blog readers, I soldier on, (nah, actually it's because everyone continued on, so cannot lose face) Btw, I havent exercise for AGES. so please, its not that im weak qq..

My brother and sister

The following pictures, were taken whenever i climb a few bloody flights and was left panting, sweaty and nauseous, honestly W(ho)TF eats porridge before climbing a mountain?!?! I practically sweated out my porridge haha.

Now, feeling honestly worned down (all at the start of the day) I reached the last flight of stairs

Seriously, i regreted running up the first few flights of stairs, i could have used the energy to climb the last few flights. So keeping my dignity infront of some ah-mah/pei who were climbing down, i slowly climbed the last few steps, drenched in sweat. Im serious, this is a tall mountain, whether or not i'm unfit or fit, MANY STEPS OK! 1100 metres(/or feet?) above sea level.


(I didnt post the picture of me perspiring, damn unglam :x)

So anyways, the view of the OTHER side of the mountain, the crater and stuff

Me looking down at the track I climbed

Click on this pic and you can see the sweat off my neck, and where the track started (the houses area.)

Anyways, the first horror was reaching the first pit stop and realising that there's so MUCH MORE to go. The SECOND horror is, GETTING DOWN. I didnt realise it at first, but at my first step. It was omfgwtfCONNED. My calfs were trembling!!!! My thighs were stiff, my hair was short!!! hahah random, but i cut my hair before the trip, so T_T. BUT ANYTIME CAN FALL DOWN ONE OK! Then roll all the way to the bottom X_X no joke. scary.

My gosh, the track down was as bad, standing still and you can see my legs trembling and shaking...QQ. Like the abalone porridge had replaced all the strength in my legs >_>

The Last Horror slope downwards

That was when I found the love of my life, Pocari Sweat, sorry 100 plus, Korea doesn't sell you


My brother drank some soybean/coffee combo drink, i drank my pocari sweat <3

Anyways, for tomorrow's post, I'll lump the other activities together, including "The Mysterious Road" and some others, and on friday, another Big Post- Jeju's "Teddy Bear Museum". That I'm sure, you dunwanna miss.

Until then :D

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