Thursday, September 11, 2008

Teddies Galore

Alright, it's here, it's


Now, it's the only Teddy Bear Museum in the world, and I've got pictures! [except that all or most of the exhibits have a glass panel protecting the bears from being swiped by teeny child-thieves, so the pictures might have a reflective glare or arent as good as you hoped it'll be]

I dunno, but isn't this from Princess Hours??

The Mona Lisa,

Reminded me of TV Prod lol


And this,

is the World's MOST EXPENSIVE bear.

The Louis Vuitton Bear

The world's most expensive bear and they put newspapers behind as the background =_=

Emperor Bear

Elvis Bear

This is some rug/cloth thingy that they made, quite nice.

The Beartles

.... ....ok fine, the Beatles Bear.

My sister and her friend bought a bear each from the museum, roughly 30cm, cost around $30-40?? Hers is the polka dot one, her friend's is the auburn one. tsk, the smaller ones were like $15 la if not i would have gotten as souvenirs, the next best were magnets that were cheaper, but who want porcelain magnets? okay, maybe you guys would, but i rather have a bear (though im not a bear fan) then a magnet that looks ?=.<>

And then, suddenly outta nowhere, a huge bear grabs me and carries me away!

Me screaming in fear

hahaha, no luh, it was just a huge bear (unmovable) that visitors could pose with and take pictures. Because the hands were movable, as in, not rigid, people were doing poses like having the bears arm across their shoulders, that's cute, and smelly. So yeah, i opt for the unusual. Arghhh yupi gumm...


Anyways, that's the end of the Jeju part of the holidays, the next few post would be on my trip in Seoul!

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