Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fridays are always Good

..ain't it?
haha. I'm glad that starting today, I'm free from all things school, and with only two exams to go, it's really great to be free from all the responsibilities and helpless frustration but *shrugs* it's over. Life goes on, so might as well smile with it and do stuff. ...

Anyways, with all the projects rushing in, I forgot to welcome Nicholas's stepping out and creating his own blog!

ahaha, So to officially commemorate the event, I have made a pikcha for his new blog. So guys, extend your warm welcomes and go visit ""

So anyways, I've been working on an original brush, and today, I present to you,
the anti-mark brush:

I call it "Yes We Can"
Despite the pessimism surrounding the campaign, and the rather crudely made brush, it carries a real and heavy message. so do your part in the revolution and download the above brush at:

... ...

haha no la, duh :O
this is my "hand_signs" brush at work:

If you like it, and want it, download it here. Grab it fast! The link lasts only 7 days, cauz I dunno how to keep it online, and too lazy to find out. so yeah. have fun with it.

Other than that, The Edge is starting a new season of messages so it be cool! Hope to see (anyone of you reading this) you there!

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