Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Today's Ponder on Life

I don't know about you, but it seems to me that we don't really count our blessings in life nowadays. I guess, even recently, I was happening to check myself, and realised to my regret, that I've haven't been grateful for what I already have in life.

I ask myself (instead of complaining on hao erratic some people are. Or "=_="ing the random smses I receive) Have we thought about the friends who stick by us and ask us how's life like? Or those who pop up on msn and call you a noob before catching up with you. Or even those simple smses wishing you a good day ahead.

I'm sorry, I don't do mushy stuff well, but I guess it couldn't hurt right.

So when was the last time we thought of how much our parents provided for us- that we're still having nice dinners and a room to sleep in. Compared to people who suffer in the cold,

Okay. I bet at some point in our lives, we've all probably 'starved' for a while and got gastric, acid reflux, or bad cases of nausea and fits. but in the end, we still have money to buy ourselves a meal, or settle down to one at the end of the day.

How many people around the world, how many teens like us, wake up to find their stomachs still cramped with pain and the cold cutting throught them.

I tell you how it feels, have you ever ate at buffets where you felt horribly bloated? Where it hurt to stand straight and stuff, you gotta slouch to move? right, now imagine someone pinching your belly, pinching it real hard and taking a chunk. Sadistic? nope hunger pangs feel like that, and they doesn't end for people out there.

How many times have we read dumb chain messages that read "when was the last time you hugged your parents and told them you loved them." and in the same message "send this to 20 of your friends or we bomb your parents"...

How long ago was it that you felt all emo and all alone in the world just because you were too used to what you already had in life and took them for granted.
I don't know, but the world seems to focus on what we don't have and not what we have. It's honestly sad..

So, these days, when you feel down, think about all that life has given you. And not about what you're losing out.

That's how I feel, we can be happy with the little we have in life.
Because it's these little things that really matter.

It might sound cheesy and stuff but hey~ *shrugs*..

..That said, my siblings still irritate me, you guys still spam me random messages, (or dont even reply my smses) my parents have that generation gap stuff. But well, life goes on.

I bet you had a good time looking at the pictures and not my text huh.tsk.

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