Friday, October 24, 2008

Once a Friday.

Rejoice people! It's Friday. Thank God I survived this week tsk. Only week 2 and i'm already doing work till late at night...but of course, Red Bull helped a bunch, though I feel really guilty for relying on caffeine to last the week.

I guess this is how using drugs feel. You know its bad, or not good for your body, but you continue to, since it feels so good- it helps me forget my tiredness and allows me to stay alert during classes, though the resulting headache and slight fever at the end of the day tells me that overworking myself and being unaware of it can be dangerous. SO yeah~ caffeine/ ahahaha. so unethical, drinking RedBull.

I wanted to post this since wednesday, but the workload i have from school and outside responsibilities prevented me from doing so, but yeah, its friday,!

Wednesday morning, while half asleep and all drowsy I was bathing and randomly thought about blogging. Then, while thinking about blogging, I wondered if years from now, when I start to work and stuff, would I still be blogging?

Would blogging still be something I do regularly? then aiyah, since i was bathing, i was gradually becoming more alert. So my thinking became more logical in that I looked at closer stuff haha, like, will I blog when I serve my NS? Will I bother to blog on that precious rare weekends every week? then I wondered...what would I look in uniform...THEN BOOM! I decided to make a

[No elaborations needed]

All the brave and manly soldiers :X

Then since got soldiers there must be terrorist mah so lol~

Credits: Flikr, yahoo images, facebook, I dun owe 80% of the pictures. heh, and yeah, Singapore Airforce website is the only one where you can download posters, army, navy, police all cannot, Q_Q since I had some good ideas for their posters, (y'know, the bus stops all have one) so no choice, take from other sources. Hope your enjoyed.

Random stuff I think when feeling tired:

Have a good weekend all~

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